What advantages does withStyles offer that surpasses makeStyles?

Is there a distinct purpose for each? At what point is it more suitable to utilize withStyles instead of makeStyles?

Answer №1

UPDATE This post focuses on version 4 of Material-UI, with additional information and links for version 5.

The Hook API (makeStyles/useStyles) is specifically designed for function components.

The Higher-order component API (withStyles) can be used with both class components and function components.

Both APIs offer the same functionality, with no difference in the styles parameter between withStyles and makeStyles.

If you are working with a function component, it is recommended to use the Hook API (makeStyles). Additionally, there is slightly more overhead with withStyles compared to makeStyles (as it internally uses makeStyles).

When customizing the styles of a Material-UI component, using withStyles is preferred over creating your own component just for calling makeStyles/useStyles, as this would essentially duplicate the functionality of withStyles.

An example of wrapping a Material-UI component can be seen below (from How to style Material-UI's tooltip?):

const BlueOnGreenTooltip = withStyles({
  tooltip: {
    color: "lightblue",
    backgroundColor: "green"


With version 5 of Material-UI, styled replaces both withStyles and makeStyles. Check out examples for v5 in How to style Material-UI's tooltip?. More discussion on v5 styling options can also be found in Using conditional styles in Material-UI with styled vs JSS.

Answer №2

Is there a preferred scenario for using withStyles over makeStyles?

In most cases, it is recommended not to use withStyles, however, there are some specific instances where it may be necessary:

  • You are working with a React version that does not support hooks.
  • You are developing a Material-UI library and need to cater to older MUI versions (withStyles predates makeStyles).
  • You are using an older MUI version in your project.
  • You need to style a class-based component, such as when utilizing the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method.

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