styling the search input element in webkit with right-to-left text direction

I have included a search input in my code like this:

<input type="search" placeholder="search" />

Webkit has different styles for an input field with the type 'search'.

One of these styles is displaying a cancel ('x') button on the right side of the input when text is entered.

However, if you are using a language that reads from right to left such as Hebrew or Arabic, the webkit cancel button still appears on the right side instead of left.

You can see this behavior in this example.

  1. Do you think this is a bug in webkit?

  2. If it is indeed a bug, is there a workaround to keep using type="search" in my code?

Answer №1

While some may deem it a bug, technically speaking, the absence of a specified behavior for the cancel button does not classify it as such. Rather, it can be seen as a flaw in design or an oversight in localization. This issue was officially documented as Bug 51499 on WebKit Bugzilla back in 2010, and unfortunately, it seems unlikely that it will be rectified in the near future.

Answer №2

For the sake of thoroughness, I recently discovered a clever solution to this issue in this helpful post

The snippet below allows you to customize and position the 'x' button as desired.

input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button {

   /* Get rid of default appearance */
    -webkit-appearance: none;

    /* Apply your own custom styles */

Take a look at a LIVE DEMO for demonstration.

If needed, you can completely eliminate the webkit cancel button like so:

  display: none;

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