Styling the React Material UI DataGrid with the MuiDataGrid-window class using createMuiTheme or makeStyles / styled-components

I've been putting in a lot of effort to customize the css for the .MuiDataGrid-window in MaterialUi's DataGrid. I've been referencing css rules from

I managed to get it working within createMuiTheme for the root, but couldn't figure out how to style the window. I tried various combinations like MuiDataGrid-window or just 'MuiDataGrid-window' directly under overrides, but nothing seemed to work.

export const theme = createMuiTheme({
  overrides: {
    MuiDataGrid: {
      root: {
        backgroundColor: 'red',
      window: {
        width: '120%',

My next attempt was using a styled DataGrid component, but that also didn't yield any results. Both methods were unsuccessful. Using a styled component would be my preferred approach!

const StyledDataGrid = styled(DataGrid)({
  MuiDataGrid: {
    root: {
      backgroundColor: 'green',
    window: {
      width: '120%',

Perhaps I'm completely off track.. But how can I style the CSS attributes in MUI's API such as .MuiDataGrid-mainGridContainer, .MuiDataGrid-overlay, .MuiDataGrid-columnsContainer, .MuiDataGrid-colCellWrapper, and so on?

Thank you very much and hopefully this information proves useful to someone else :)

Answer №1

When examining the applied styles, it is apparent that the window class element in a grid has two associated selectors (multiple classes):

.MuiDataGrid-root .MuiDataGrid-window

In order to apply these styles to child elements, such as the window within the grid root, both selectors must be targeted:

MuiDataGrid: {
  root: {
    backgroundColor: 'red',
    '& .MuiDataGrid-window': {
      backgroundColor: 'green'

The documentation for the grid component only lists one rule name: root

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