Props and theme merge to create uniquely designed styled components with a thematic twist

Out of sheer curiosity, I've been incorporating styled-components into my React application. Within this framework, I make use of the recommended theme to ensure consistency in colors and sizes throughout.

Currently, my approach looks something like this:

export const TestComponent = styled.div`
    color: ${({ theme }) => theme.white};
    background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.white};
    border: 1px solid ${({ theme }) => theme.white};
    display: ${({ check }) => check ? 'block' : 'none'};

Here, I'm tapping into the theme provided by the ThemeProvider, as well as performing an additional check based on an external component.

Moving forward, I find myself pondering why I can't simply do it like this instead:

export const TestComponent = styled.div`${({ theme, check }) => (css`
    color: ${theme.white};
    background-color: ${theme.white};
    border: 1px solid ${theme.white};
    display: ${check ? 'block' : 'none'};

Wouldn't this alternative method be more convenient and straightforward? If so, what might be preventing them from promoting this practice? I worry that there could be significant drawbacks associated with this approach that I'm failing to recognize at the moment.

Answer №1

Both approaches have their advantages, and I see no issue with either one. Personally, I have used the technique demonstrated in your first example extensively in a large React application without encountering any problems so far.

Having said that, the second example you provided is also completely valid. It's worth noting that you can achieve the same result without using the css helper:

const Test = styled.div`
  ${({ theme }) => `color: ${theme.white};`}

In my experience, I tend to use the css helper to create reusable chunks of CSS code:

const fontSize = css`
  font-size: ${({ small, large, theme }) => {
    if (small) return `${theme.small}rem`;
    if (large) return `${theme.large}rem`;
    return `${theme.normal}rem`;

const Test = styled.div`
  ${({ theme }) => `color: ${theme.white};`}

After defining these styles, you can use them like this:

<Test small>Hello World</Test>

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