Styling the inner background color of a text input field using CSS

My text field looks great everywhere, except in Opera where it blends into the background color.

Is there a way to keep the inside of the text field white only? Setting the background(-color) to white changes the entire square element background, which is not the desired result.

The rounded corners are created using border-radius. No need for IE hacks :)

No specific CSS is used for other browsers, it just naturally displays as white.

Forgot to include the link earlier, the page in question is

Answer №1

After conducting a simple test, I am unable to identify any issues. You can view the test here:, and it functions properly on Opera 10.6. The border radius feature behaves as anticipated.

Based on the provided image, it seems that you are applying the background color to the container of the input element. This could potentially be causing the problem.

Answer №2

What method are you using to create that bend? Are you utilizing the border-radius property? If so, setting the background-color should typically work, although you mentioned that it isn't.

If the curve is an image, have you tried opening it in a graphic design software and adding a white background?

Have you identified which CSS styles are causing issues in Opera specifically, even though they function correctly in other browsers?

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