Styling Text with CSS

I am currently using axios to fetch data from my backend. The data consists of a string format similar to

"phone number: {enter phone number here}"

My goal is to add CSS styling wherever there is a curly brace.

let testString = "hello this is my {test} string";
testString = testString.replaceAll("{", "<span style={{color: 'red'}}>");
testString = testString.replaceAll("}", "</span>");

There are different ways I plan to incorporate the data:

1. Inside the value of a TextField


2. Inside a div

<div contenteditable="true">{testString}</div>

However, instead of applying the intended CSS, it simply displays it as a string.

hello this is my <span style={{color: 'red'</span></span>>test</span> string

Answer №1

There are two ways to tackle this issue and here are the solutions:

Method 1 : Leveraging dangerouslySetInnerHTML

export default function App() {
  let text = "The {text in here} will be color coded";

  return (
          __html: text
            .replace("{", `<span style=color:red>`)
            .replace("}", `</span>`)

As implied by the name, using dangerouslySetInnerHTML requires caution. It is advisable to refrain from using this method if the string originates from an untrusted source, as it can make the application vulnerable to XSS attacks. Further information on this topic can be accessed here

Method 2 : Employing substring offset

export default function App() {
  let text = "The {text in here} will be color coded";

  let i = [];
  text.replace(/[{.+?}]/g, (match, offset, string) => {
    i.push(offset + 1);

  let formattedText = () => {
    return (
        <span>{text.substring(0, i[0] - 1)} </span>
        <span style={{ color: "red" }}>{text.substring(i[0], i[1] - 1)}</span>
        <span>{text.substring(i[1], text.length)}</span>

  return (
     <div className="solution-2">{formattedText()}</div>

The second approach involves identifying the index of the opening { and closing } braces within the string, allowing for formatting of the enclosed substring exclusively. This method is suitable when dealing with a single bracket-enclosed block that requires formatting.

A live demonstration showcasing the working solutions is available here

Answer №2

Your objective is clear - you need to retrieve a string and display it within a JSX Element.

For example:

let testString = ... ; // receive data from request
<div>hello this is my <span className="red-color">{testString}</span> string</div>


  let testString = ... ; // receive data from request
<div>hello this is my <span style={{color:"red"}}>{testString}</span> string</div>

You can also use backticks to insert variables into your strings.

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