I'm not sure how to use the global .container CSS style in Next.js for multiple pages

I'm currently diving into the world of React and Next.js, tackling a project with Next.js. I've set up a global CSS file with a .container style definition which I imported in my _app.js file. However, I'm unsure how to apply this global style to a specific page. In one of my pages, I have a module.css file that I understand how to work with, but there's a div element with the global container class that I can't seem to style properly within that page. Can I define the .container property in the global CSS file or does it only affect global tags like a, img, h1, etc? I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the CSS aspect of Next.js.

After figuring out how to pass global CSS to a page that uses module.css, I now find myself stuck with the module CSS.

I've created a component called HeroSection like this :

import React from "react";
import style from "./heroSection.module.css";

function HeroSection({ title, paragraphs, image }) {
  return (
    <div className={style.heroSection}>
      <div className={style.text}>
        <div className={style.paragraphes}>{paragraphs}</div>
      <img src={image} alt="" />

export default HeroSection;

And on a page that contains the component and adds props:

              title="Contact Us"
                  <div className="para1">
                    <p> Let's improve this societal project together!</p>
                      We value your suggestions, opinions, and comments.
                    Right here

In my heroSection.module.css file, I have the following code:

.para1 {
  margin-bottom: 44px;

As you can see, in the page containing HeroSection, a div has the className "para1" but I'm having trouble applying the CSS styles to it. I tried using className={style.para1} without success. How can I style the div passed as props?

Answer №1

Make sure to include the CSS file on the page where you are using the <HeroSection> component.

import style from "<relative-path-to-heroSection.module.css>";

After that, assign the correct class to the <div> element below.

    title="Contact Us"
            <div className={style.para1}>
                <p> Let's improve this project together!</p>
                    We value your suggestions, opinions, and feedback.
            <p>It's right here</p>

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