Switch between display modes by clicking using collections

I am trying to figure out how to create a function that will only show content for the specific element in which my button is located. Currently, when I click the button it shows content for all elements with the 'one' class, but I want it to display content only for the related element.

I have attempted to assign a class to buttons and loop through them, however, I am struggling to understand how to achieve this.

function specificButtonFunction(){
    let x = document.getElementsByClassName("one");

    for(i=0; i<x.length; i++){
        if (x[i].style.display === "block") {
            x[i].style.display = "none";
          } else {
            x[i].style.display = "block";
    display: none;
        <div class="one">
            <p>Some text</p>
        <button onclick="specificButtonFunction()">Show more!</button>
        <div class="one">
            <p>Some other text</p>
        <button onclick="specificButtonFunction()">Show more!</button>

Answer №1

To easily toggle the visibility of elements with the class 'one' when clicking on buttons, you can loop through all the buttons and attach an event listener to each one.

document.querySelectorAll('.open-btn').forEach(btn =>
  btn.addEventListener('click', e => {
.hide {
  display: none;
  <div class="one hide">
    <p>Some text</p>
  <button class="open-btn">Show more!</button>
  <div class="one hide">
    <p>Some other text</p>
  <button class="open-btn">Show more!</button>

Another approach is using event delegation by attaching the event listener to a static ancestor element (preferably closer than using document).

document.addEventListener('click', e => {
  if (e.target.matches('.open-btn')) {
.hide {
  display: none;
  <div class="one hide">
    <p>Some text</p>
  <button class="open-btn">Show more!</button>
  <div class="one hide">
    <p>Some other text</p>
  <button class="open-btn">Show more!</button>

Answer №2

  1. Enclose all content within a designated element¹ and set it to trigger the "click" event. In this instance, a <main> element is utilized. Once a click occurs on the <nain>, the event handler toggleDiv is invoked.

    const main = document.querySelector("main");
    main.addEventListener("click", toggleDiv);
  2. The functionality of the event handler toggleDiv is such that it filters the "click" event to specific elements while disregarding others. Here, only clicked <buttons> will respond. Refer to the comments in the example for further intricacies.

  3. This coding paradigm is known as event delegation. It involves a single element² listening for a triggered event registered either on itself or any nested component. The range of elements³ reacting to a directly activated registered event can be comprehensive (e.g., div), precise (e.g., #IdOfElement), or anything in between (e.g., .classNameOfElements). The quantity of such elements is unlimited, and dynamically added elements are also covered. Hence, having eventListeners for every element at creation or page load isn't necessary.

¹Element/Object can refer to <body>, <html>, document, or even window.




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