Styling specific header cells in jQuery DataTable with C#CSS, focusing solely on title headers rather than cell data in the columns

Below are the details of my development environment:

- Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013

- .NET Framework 4.0

- jQuery-2.1.4.min.js

- jQuery DataTables 1.10.7

- Newtonsoft.Json.7.0.1

- jQuery UI 1.11.2

<table class="table mb-none" id="InfoTable">
                                            <th><i class="fa fa-street-view     text-muted mr-sm"></i>DRIVER</th>
                                            <th><i class="fa fa-calendar     text-muted space-right"></i>DATE</th>
                                            <th><i class="fa fa-clock-o     text-muted space-right"></i>DUTY CYCLE</th>
                                            <th><i class="fa fa-exclamation-    circle text-muted space-right"></i>VIOLATIONS</th>
                                            <th><i class="fa fa-pencil text-    muted space-right"></i>SIGN</th>
                                            <th class="center"></th>

                                        <tr class="gradeX">


We need to apply specific CSS stylings to certain Title Cells of columns.

                var populateInfoTableJS = function () {
                        "aoColumns": [
                                        { "sTitle": "LogBsonValueId" },
                                        { "sTitle": "UserID" },
                                        { "sTitle": "DRIVER" },
                                        { "sTitle": "DATE" },
                                        { "sTitle": "DUTY CYCLE" },
                                        { "sTitle": "VIOLATIONS" },
                                        { "sTitle": "SIGN" },

Can someone guide me on how to implement the code so that CSS styling is only applied to specific Title Cells of columns?

Additional question:

                    var populateInfoTableJS = function () {
                          "aoColumns": [
                                        { "sTitle": "LogBsonValueId" },
                                        { "sTitle": "UserID" },
                                        { "sTitle": "DRIVER" },
                                        { "sTitle": "DATE" },
                                        { "sTitle": "DUTY CYCLE" },
                                        { "sTitle": "VIOLATIONS" },
                                        { "sTitle": "SIGN" },
            "aoColumnDefs": [{ "bVisible": false, "aTargets": [0, 1] }],
            "fnRowCallback": function (nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex) {
                $('tr th:nth-child(1)').addClass('fa fa-street-view text-muted mr-sm');

I tried the code provided above but it resulted in poor rendering as shown in this image:

Any suggestions on how I can modify the code to improve the appearance of the column headers?

Answer №1

According to Allan, the developer of DataTables, there isn't a direct built-in method for achieving that functionality. You can refer to his response here:

To add classes to cells, you can use a bit of jQuery within the initComplete function or utilize column().header() in conjunction with jQuery.

One way to implement this is by initializing the table:

var table = $('#InfoTable').DataTable({
    // Additional configurations.

Then, you can target individual cells using column().header() and apply the class like so:

var header = table.column(0).header();
header.prepend("<i class=\"fa fa-street-view text-muted mr-sm\"></i>");

Keep in mind that the number specified in column(0) represents the column index selector, which can be adjusted accordingly.


It appears that this line in your code:

$('tr th:nth-child(1)').addClass('fa fa-street-view text-muted mr-sm');

Is adding the classes to the th element instead of i. Refer to this fiddle for clarification. Consider updating it to:

$('tr th:nth-child(1)').prepend('<i class="fa fa-street-view text-muted mr-sm" />');

You can view an example in this fiddle.

Answer №2

Gratitude to @jia-jian for lending a helping hand.

A clever solution was discovered by one of my coworkers:

var populateInfoTableJS = function () {
                      "aoColumns": [
                                    { "sTitle": "LogBsonValueId" },
                                    { "sTitle": "UserID" },
                                    { "sTitle": "DRIVER" },
                                    { "sTitle": "DATE" },
                                    { "sTitle": "DUTY CYCLE" },
                                    { "sTitle": "VIOLATIONS" },
                                    { "sTitle": "SIGN" },
                       "headerCallback": function (thead, data, start, end, display) {
                        $(thead).find('th').eq(2).html('<i class="fa fa-male text-muted space-right"></i>DRIVER');
                        $(thead).find('th').eq(3).html('<i class="fa fa-sitemap text-muted space-right"></i>DATE');

It is important to note that there may be complications if you try to hide columns programmatically in the success section when using the AJAX javascript function. For instance, hiding the column with an index value of 2 could cause the DRIVER title to shift to another column occupying the same index value of 2.

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