Expansive Child Division with Ample Margins

I'm currently working with a nested set of divs and I need the inner div to occupy the full width without extending beyond the parent div's margins. Despite trying to use max-width:100%, it hasn't been successful so far. For this particular case, #test2 should be full width minus the left margin.


<div id="test">
    <div id="test2">
<div id="test3"></div>




I would appreciate any suggestions on how to achieve this without resorting to JavaScript or introducing new CSS commands like calc. Thank you!

Answer №1

Give this a shot:


Answer №2

Replace the width property from 100px to 100% as shown below:


Answer №3

Check out the solution provided below:

<a href="http://jsfiddle.net/LHSfQ/24/" rel="nofollow">FIDDLE</a>

This should help resolve your issue.

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