Styling Options for Material-UI Tables: Enhancing the Look of Your Table Components

I am working with 'material-ui' and attempting to change the color of a table element based on its value. In the code snippet below, I have tried to make the background color go red if the cell value is "Out of Zone". However, even though the table renders correctly, the color change does not toggle as expected. Can someone help me understand why it's not working or if my approach is incorrect?

function renderRowColumn(row, column) {
    if (row.status == "Out of Zone") {
        return (
            <TableRowColumn className="ae-zone">
    return (

In style.css:

.ae-zone {
    background-color: '#e57373';
    font: "white";

Answer №1

Your CSS selector specificity is not strong enough. The TD element being rendered has an inline style that is inheriting the background property, overriding your class style.

Have you considered using inline styles given that you already have separate logic for this?

<TableRowColumn style={{backgroundColor:'red', color: 'white',}}>{row[]}</TableRowColumn>

This method works well and has been tested.

Another option could be adding !important to your CSS rules. {
  background-color: '#e57373' !important;
  color: "white" !important;

In my opinion, I would recommend the first approach as it is cleaner.

Answer №2

Avoid using quotation marks for color values in CSS:

.ae-area {
    background-color: #e57373;
    color: white;

Furthermore, the correct syntax is color: white, not font: white.

Answer №3

Here's an alternative method to achieve this:

import { makeStyles } from "@mui/styles";

// Add this below your imports
const CustomStyles = makeStyles({
    root: {
        "& .MuiTableBody-root": {
            backgroundColor: "#121212",

// Add this after defining the styles 

const customClasses = CustomStyles();

// Now, utilize the custom class in your Table component: 
<Table className={customClasses.root}>

Inspect and identify the automatic classes generated by Material UI, then target them within the makeStyles function.

Ensure to adapt the formatting as shown in the example below:

"& .MuiClassNameToTarget" : {
    textAlign: "center",

Answer №4

Usually, the Table adopts the default style, so if the styles are not being applied, try adding !important to the style. I found success with this approach.

.ae-zone {
    background-color: '#e57373' !important;

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