Is it possible to include two of these on a single page with unique variables? (Using JQuery)

I am looking to create two similar pages, each with different percentages. However, when I try modifying the JS or changing class/ID names, it keeps pulling data from the first SPAN element.

<div class="container">
<div class="bw"></div>
<div class="show"></div>
<div id="bar" data-total="100">
    <div class="text">Currently at <br/><span>70</span><br><i>Click To Give</div>

All necessary JS and CSS code can be found in the provided Fiddle link.

Thank you for your help.

Answer №1

Here is a reliable solution:

$('.bar').each(function() {
    var percentStart = 0;
    var total = $(this).data('total');
    var percent = parseInt($(this).find('span').html());

    $(this).find('> div').addClass("load");

    var that = this;
    var timer = setInterval(function() {
        $(that).siblings('.show').css('height', percentStart/total*100+'%');
        $(that).css('height', percentStart/total*100+'%');
        if(percentStart<percent) { percentStart=percentStart+1; return; }
    }, 35);

Make sure to end the interval properly to avoid it running indefinitely without purpose.

Answer №2

I made a modification by changing the id="bar" to a class attribute. Then, I implemented an iteration through each element with the class .bar. You can view the updated code snippet in this fiddle:

Here is the revised code:

$('.bar').each(function (index, element) {
  var percent = $(this).find('span').html();
  var total = $(this).attr('data-total');
  var percentStart = 0;

  setInterval(function () {
    $('.show').css('height', percentStart / total * 100 + '%');
    $(this).css('height', percentStart / total * 100 + '%');
    $(this).find('span').html('%' + percentStart);
    if (percentStart < percent) {
        percentStart = percentStart + 1;
  }, 35);

$(".bar div").addClass("load");

Answer №3

As mentioned in previous comments, having duplicate ids can lead to issues and errors in design.

To address this problem, you can make some changes. Instead of using id selectors '#' for divs, opt for class '.' like


The next step would be to ensure each 'container' div's uniqueness by utilizing a closure

   var x
   var y

Lastly, refrain from directly selecting elements in the selector and utilize $(this) along with .find() to stay within the current 'container' div.

    var percent = $(this).find(' div span').html();
    var total = $(this).find('').attr('data-total');
    var percentStart = 0;

    var that = $(this);

    setInterval(function() {
      that.find(' div span').html('%'+percentStart);
      if(percentStart<percent) {percentStart=percentStart+1;}

    $(this).find(" div").addClass("load");

Answer №4

Among the myriad answers provided here, I suggest running a validation on your HTML code. Additionally, some of your CSS settings were causing glitches while scrolling due to fixed background images not moving along.

My approach differed slightly from the rest as I opted for $.animate and a step function instead of using setInterval. Just like others, I selected a class named 'fill-me-up' to target each item individually.

Here is the updated Fiddle link:

NOTE: Take a look at the fiddle as I made minor adjustments to the HTML and significant changes to the CSS.

// for each item we need to "fill up"

    // cache DOM references
    var this$ = $(this)
      , bar$ = this$.find('.bar')
      , show$ = this$.find('.show')
      , span$ = bar$.find('div span')

      // the target percentage height for this item
      , p = span$.text()

      // combine '.bar' and '.show' so we can apply the animation to both
      , toAnimate = $().add(bar$).add(show$);

    // add class causing fade-in

    // animate height to target height over 2 seconds and 
    // at each step, update the span with a truncated value
        { height: p+'%' },
            duration: 2000,
            step: function( currentStep ) {


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