Styling content in a CSS file and then rendering it as a

My current project involves converting a webpage into a PDF file and I am using @page @bottom-left to insert text in the bottom left corner.

@page {size: portrait A4;
 @bottom-left {content: "Some text to display at the bottom left. Some additional text";font-size: 7pt;font-family: "Verdana";color: #cccccc;}

Everything is working smoothly, but now I want to add a line break similar to this:
Some text to show bottom left.
Some more text

I have attempted to use <br>, <p>, \n, \r but they all appear as plain text.
I also tried &#10; but it caused the styling to stop working completely.
Is it possible to achieve a line break in this scenario, and if so, what would be the correct syntax to accomplish it?

Answer №1

When creating content, authors have the ability to include newlines by using the "\A" escape sequence within the 'content' property string. This newline is affected by the 'white-space' property. Source

To input a newline, use \00000a or \A

 content: 'Some text to display at the bottom left. \A Some additional text';


 white-space: pre;

Check out the demo: here

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