Stylesheet specific to Internet Explorer not loading

My Rails application (link) is experiencing display bugs in Internet Explorer. I am trying to fix these bugs by making changes in the

file where I have included:

/[if IE]                                                                                                                                                              
  = stylesheet_link_tag "ie", media: "all"

It seems that this code successfully generates the necessary HTML with the precompiled asset being downloaded from the server:

<!--[if IE]>
<link href="/assets/ie-21dfbd4e306a3f4685597c40061f9d43.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />

The stylesheet contains the following CSS:

#logo {
  display: none;

Despite setting the logo display property to none in the stylesheet, it still appears on the page in Internet Explorer.

Answer №2

In the event that you are not utilizing IE10, do you possess an additional stylesheet specifically for non-IE browsers? Is this placed prior or subsequent to this conditional comment in your HTML code? If it is positioned after and includes a declaration such as #logo { display: block; }, its styles will take precedence over those defined in the IE-specific CSS file.

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