Could someone provide an example to illustrate the concept of "em is relative to the font size and % is relative to the parent element"?

Could someone provide an example of how "em is relative to the font size and % is relative to the parent element" works?

What exactly do "relative to the font size" and "relative to the parent element" mean?

Answer №1

Imagine you are setting the width of a container within another container. By setting the width to 50%, it will be half the width of the containing box. However, if you set the width in pixels instead, it will be based on the actual size of a pixel and not affected by anything else but your text.

Answer №2

Consider this illustration:

<div id='container' style='height: 400px'>
  <div style='height: 1.5em'>Test 1</div>

  <div style='height: 50%'>Test 2</div>

In Test 1, the box's height is 150% of the text size. For example, with a font size of 10px, the height would be 15px. In the second scenario, the height is 50% of the parent element's height; therefore, Test 2 is 200px since #container is 400px.

If I recall correctly, applying a percentage to font-size is equivalent to using em units. For instance, font-size: 150% is the same as font-size: 1.5em (if my memory serves me right).

I personally prefer utilizing em for specifying height or width. When used for setting width, it ensures that the text wrapping remains consistent when changing the font size (e.g. for users who adjust their font size). This approach proves beneficial especially in text-heavy pages where small fonts may lead to excessively wide layout. (Refer to this article on Em Widths)

<div style='width: 80em`>Lorem ipsum...</div>

Answer №3

em represents a typographic measurement, essentially a percentage of the font size, while %, as mentioned, is relative to the parent element.

Consider this scenario:

body {font-size: 12px;}
p.rel-to-font { font-size: 1.5em;}
 <p class="rel-to-font"> Some cool text</p>

In this case, the p.rel-to-font will have an effective font-size of 18px, which is 150% of 12px.

body,p {font-size: 12px;}
 div {font-size: 15px;}
 p.rel-to-parent { font-size: 150%;}
 p.rel-to-font { font-size: 1.5em;}

 <p id="test-1"class="rel-to-parent"> Some cool text</p>
 <p id="test-2" class="rel-to-font"> Some cool text</p>
<p id="test-3" class="rel-to-font"> Some cool text</p>
<p id="test-4" class="rel-to-parent"> Some cool text</p>

For instance, in this demonstration, #test-1 will have a computed font-size of 22.5px, #test-2 will be 18px, #test-3 and #test-4 will both be 18px.

I hope that explanation sheds some light on the topic. Many practical implementations find that % and em often translate to a similar outcome, although there are exceptions to this rule.

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