Styles are not being applied properly to mat-expansion-panel-header within a child component in CSS

One of my components utilizes MatExpansionPanel to showcase a collection of products.

I have included some CSS code to conceal the overflow of each product's description. To view the current appearance, please refer to this stackblitz.

In an attempt to segregate the panel header into a separate child component and apply the same CSS styling, I encountered an issue where the CSS does not seem to be taking effect as intended. For further insight, please check out this stackblitz.

Could it be possible that I am making a mistake in the process? Or is it feasible that this Angular Material component is designed in a way that discourages splitting it into distinct components?

Answer №1

To enhance the layout of your product-panel-header.component, you can enclose it within a div using display:flex with the following structure:


<div class="panel-header">
  <mat-panel-description class="product-name">


.panel-header {
  display: flex;

Check out this live example on stackblitz

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