Style your toolbar the Google way with CSS and HTML

Trying to replicate the Google-style toolbar found on G-mail and other Google services has been a challenge for me.

I have experimented with creating this toolbar using a formatted list and nested div elements within a single container, but I encounter the same issue each time.

Whenever the mouse hovers over an element, a new 1px border appears and causes all the other elements to shift. To counteract this, I have had to apply styles like:

left: -1px;
bottom: 1px;

While this works for the element being hovered over, it creates an unsightly movement of the other elements.

My question is: Is there a way to display these elements so that a new 1px border on hover does not affect the positioning, all without using absolute positioning?

If the only solution is absolute positioning with specific pixel coordinates, then I will proceed in that manner. However, I am hoping for a more elegant and efficient solution.

Answer №1

If you want to prevent the 1px border from shifting things around on hover, there are a few solutions you can try.

Check out this example for one solution:

One option is to add a transparent border (border:1px solid transparent) to create a consistent gap. This allows you to easily change the border-color on hover without adjusting the border-width, simplifying your code.

Take a look at this alternative solution:

Another approach is to incorporate margin or padding that is removed on hover. While this method may be a bit more complex to implement, it can also be effective in achieving the desired result.

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