Having trouble with looping the CSS background using JavaScript in CodePen

Can someone help me with looping through CSS background images?

Why is the background not changing in this code example: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/dGKYaJ

const bg = $('.background').css('background-image');
let currentBackground = 0;
const backgrounds = [

function changeBackground() {
    if(currentBackground > 2) currentBackground = 0;

    $('.background').fadeOut(3000, () => {
            'background-image': "url('" + backgrounds[currentBackground] + "')"

    setTimeout(changeBackground, 7000);

$(document).ready(() => {
    setTimeout(changeBackground, 7000);        

Any suggestions are welcome!


Answer №1

  1. An error message appears in the Console :

    Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

    The jQuery library was not included in the codpen settings. Please refer to this working codepen for a solution.

  2. Another issue to address in line 2 :

    bg =
    should be replaced by :

    bg = bg.replace('url(\"','').replace('\")','');

    Otherwise, the value of backgrounds[0] will have double quotes ""https://..."", resulting in a 404 error when attempting to load the image.

var bg = $('.background').css('background-image');
bg = bg.replace('url(\"','').replace('\")','');
var currentBackground = 0;
var backgrounds = [];
backgrounds[0] = String(bg);
backgrounds[1] = 'https://placehold.it/300x300&text=1';
backgrounds[2] = 'https://placehold.it/300x300&text=2';

function changeBackground() {
    if(currentBackground > 2) currentBackground = 0;

    $('.background').fadeOut(3000,function() {

            'background-image' : "url('" + backgrounds[currentBackground] + "')"

    setTimeout(changeBackground, 7000);

$(document).ready(function() {
    setTimeout(changeBackground, 7000);        
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="background"></div>

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