"Stuck: CSS Div Transition Effect Refuses to Cooper

I am looking to incorporate a transition on my div when it is clicked. I've tried using jQuery with this example: http://jsfiddle.net/nKtC6/698/, but it seems to not be working as expected. So, I want to explore another example using CSS: http://jsfiddle.net/nKtC6/690/

Here is the issue in my JS:

$(function() {                       
  $("#icon").click(function() {

And here is the CSS:

.animate1-nomove {left: -100px;}
.animate2-nomove {left: 0px;}

.animate1-move {left: 0px;}
.animate2-move {left: 150px; background-color: red;}

Is it possible to achieve this effect using JavaScript? I prefer a CSS3 solution over jQuery animate for this.

Answer №1

It's important to remember the class selector in your jQuery code, like $(".animate1") and $(".animate2"), instead of just $("animate1") and $("animate2").

Answer №2

Your selectors are causing a syntax error within the #icon.click callback function because you forgot to include the dots for the classes:

// should be

As a solution, here's a functional demonstration using the click event instead of hover:

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