Text reveal animation in Framer Motion is not functioning as expected

I'm having trouble locating the issue in my code, and the text reveal feature isn't working. Interestingly, a simple animation works fine, indicating that there's no problem with the import or library:

      import { motion } from "framer-motion";

      const banner = {
        animate: {
          transition: {
            delayChildren: 0.4,
            staggerChildren: 0.1,

      const letterAni = {
        initial: { y: 400 },
        animate: {
          y: 0,
          transition: {
            ease: [0.6, 0.01, -0.05, 0.95],
            duration: 1,

      const AnimatedLetters = ({ title }) => (
          {[...title].map((letter, i) => (
            <motion.span className="row-letter" variants={letterAni} key={i}>

      export default function TestFramer() {
        return (
          <div className="text-9xl">
            <AnimatedLetters title="title" />

Answer №1

Animating the properties of x and y on inline elements (such as span) is not possible. To achieve this effect, you should use a block-level element (like div), or apply some styling to make your spans behave like block-level elements:

    style={{display: "inline-block"}} 

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