Struggling with Dreamweaver template and library issues

As I revamp a website, Dreamweaver templates and libraries are my go-to tools for maintaining a consistent design across all pages.

Almost done with the redesign, I'm now seeking feedback from colleagues. To achieve this, I attempted to copy the site to another drive accessible by others in my company. However, after copying and pasting all files into a new folder on a different drive, I realized that changes made to template and library files in Dreamweaver did not reflect on their child-pages.

Returning to the original drive, where the website was initially created, I made an update on the template page and witnessed the system automatically updating each child page. This seamless process is what I aim to replicate in the new drive.

If anyone has encountered similar issues with file copying between drives affecting updates, any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To update pages, go to Modify > Template and select Update from the menu.

If the updated page does not recognize its children, there may be a file path issue. In this case, I recommend creating a new 'site' in Dreamweaver by exporting the original as a .ste file and then importing it back into DW.

What version of Dreamweaver are you using? I can help you set up a site within a site on my version.

Answer №2

After some troubleshooting, I finally solved the problem. It turns out that when I transferred the folders to a different drive, Dreamweaver failed to identify the template file (Template/content.dwt) as part of the site's template.

To fix this, I went to File > Save as Template... and overwrote the existing template file in the folder. After doing so, the child pages were able to update correctly. I want to extend my gratitude to everyone who offered assistance with resolving this issue.

Answer №3

I encountered a similar issue, but fortunately I was able to resolve it. The problem stemmed from an incorrect path - when examining the #begininglibraryitem "/your path.. you may notice that the path is incorrect, as it should have started with "/your website name or folder name/library/...

To rectify this issue, simply use the ctrl+f function to find and replace the entire website with the correct path. Make sure to enable the "Match case" option before replacing. After making this adjustment, update your library and you should see all pages functioning correctly :)

It seems like this issue may be due to a caching error, although I'm not entirely sure of the cause. Nevertheless, I was able to figure out how to fix it.


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