Ways to modify the background images in doxygen

Currently, I am facing a challenge while customizing Doxygen's output and my main roadblock is the menu bar.

To address this issue, I decided to generate custom CSS and HTML files provided by Doxygen by executing the command:

doxygen -w html header.html footer.html customdoxygen.css

Upon observing the browser display, it is evident that the appearance of the bars is dictated by a background image called tab_b.png. Upon manually disabling it, adjustments in the CSS can be seen (like the unattractive green color). My question now is whether it is feasible to edit or eliminate this background image entirely (beyond making changes in the HTML output folder through programming).

Answer №1

To implement the rule below in your CSS:

.sm-dox {
   background-image: none!important;
   background-color: yellow;

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