Struggling to get the max-width property to function properly with a Bootstrap multi-level dropdown menu

I have a multi-level Bootstrap dropdown menu that I am customizing based on the design featured in this bootsnipp.

However, I am encountering an issue where some of my menu items are too lengthy, so I need to restrict their width to a maximum of 400px. Additionally, I want to ensure that the text does not get cut off, so I also need to use white-space: normal. Unfortunately, setting max-width seems to be ineffective in achieving this, while using width works as intended. But that's not the solution I'm looking for since different menus may require varying amounts of space.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to create a cascading menu that accommodates these requirements?

Appreciate any assistance you can provide!

Answer №1

Include the following code in your CSS stylesheet.

.dropdown-menu>li>a {
    white-space: normal;

By using this code, you will be setting the maximum width of each anchor element to 200px.

If you opt for a size less than 160px, remember to adjust the min-width property of the dropdown-menu class as it defaults to a minimum width of 160px.

.dropdown-menu {

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