Make sure that the input field and label are aligned side by side in the

Is there a way to arrange the following HTML in the specified layout?

        <input id="paymentsApp-inpt-cpty" ng-model="selectedPaymentCopy.counterparty" ng-required="true"  />
        <label>Value Date</label>
        <input id="paymentsApp-inpt-date" ng-model="selectedPaymentCopy.valueDate" />
        <label>Credit Account</label>
        <input id="paymentsApp-inpt-acc" ng-model="selectedPaymentCopy.creditAccount" />
        <input id="paymentsApp-inpt-amt" ng-model="selectedPaymentCopy.amount" />

I am not using bootstrap for this project. Could someone guide me on the CSS needed to achieve this look?

Answer №1

Technique #1: Flexbox:

div > div {
    display: flex;

div > div > label {
    flex-basis: 125px;

div > div > input {
    flex: 1;


Method #2: Using display: inline-block:

div > div > label {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 125px;

div > div > input {
    display: inline-block; /* optional */


Keep in mind that while flexbox is widely supported, some older browsers like IE 8 & 9 may not fully support it. Certain browsers like Safari 8 and IE10 may require vendor prefixes for flexbox. To easily add the necessary prefixes, you can use a tool like Autoprefixer.

Answer №2

Although flex is a reliable choice and I often use it effectively, there are subtle issues that may arise if you are not fully acquainted with its behavior.

If you prefer a simpler alternative, consider floating the inputs to the right. In this case, place the input before the label and keep the label as is.

Here are the styles (slightly verbose for clarity, with a fixed width set for the container):

.test {
    width: 400px;
.test > div > input {
    float: right;

Markup (note the switched position of input and label):

<div class="test">
        <input id="paymentsApp-inpt-cpty" ng-model="selectedPaymentCopy.counterparty" ng-required="true"  />
        <input id="paymentsApp-inpt-date" ng-model="selectedPaymentCopy.valueDate" />
        <label>Value Date</label>
        <input id="paymentsApp-inpt-acc" ng-model="selectedPaymentCopy.creditAccount" />
        <label>Credit Account</label>
        <input id="paymentsApp-inpt-amt" ng-model="selectedPaymentCopy.amount" />

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