Struggling to figure out Visual Studio Code - Having trouble loading images and fonts into my CSS file

It seems like I'm missing something here (just so you know, I'm totally new at this). I attempted to use fonts that are loaded on my computer for my CSS stylesheet (font file in my VSC), but no luck. I also tried using images from my files as backgrounds, with the same result - nada.

I've gone through a few different approaches, such as trying to set the background of my < body > tag using an image:

body {
    background-image: url(img\tire background.jpg);

/* I even tried various versions just to make sure it wasn't getting lost or was too small/large*/

body {
    background-image: url(..\img\tire background.jpg);

body {
    background-image: url('..\img\tire background.jpg');

body {
    background-image: url('img\tire background.jpg');

I also experimented with providing the full path:

body {
    background-image: url(C:\Users\BradJen\Desktop\Big Toyz Coding Project 1\big-toyz\img\tire background.jpg);

(trying all sorts of quotes, formats, etc.)

Ironically, everything works fine when I link to resources online or use them directly in my HTML code. Even with the fonts! While I can import from Google Fonts without issue, any local resources give me grief. Strangely enough, I did manage to get it working once, only for the image to vanish after adding another image on top in my HTML document.

I've scoured the internet for solutions, but as a newcomer, most of the technical jargon goes straight over my head or doesn't address my specific problems. It's likely something incredibly simple and silly, but if anyone has any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Answer №1

To start, make sure to replace the space in the file name with an underscore or dash. Also, keep in mind that the path you are searching for is relative to the calling CSS.

For example, if your setup looks like this:

You're linking to the CSS in css/style.css from your index.html.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" />

If you want to use a file named kitten image.jpg (with a space in the name) in the body of your document:

In your css/style.css file:

body {
  background: url("../kitten\ image.jpg") 0 0 transparent no-repeat;

However, it's generally recommended to avoid spaces in filenames and opt for dashes or underscores instead to simplify things.

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