Stop MUI multi-select from stretching parent flexbox beyond the limits of the screen

On small screens, selecting multiple items in a multi-select MUI element can cause the parent container to expand and require scrolling to view all selected items.

Is there a solution for this issue?

    mb: 1,
    px: 2,
    <InputLabel id="simple-select-label">
      Job completed by
      label="Job completed by"
      onChange={(e) => {
      {employeesLists?.map((employee) => (
        <MenuItem value={} key={}>
          {employee.firstName} {employee.lastName}

Answer №1

In order to resolve this issue, I implemented the strategy of using override nested components. You can find more information about it here:

Adding this code snippet helped me rectify the problem by overriding the default styles. It should be included within the <Select> component.

                      '& #simple-select': {
                        whiteSpace: 'normal',

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