Is it possible to use a base64 encoded animated gif as a background in CSS

I embedded an animated gif into my CSS code like this:

.magicBg {
background-image: url( ...

This animated gif is set to play only once.

However, after the gif plays once as the background of an element, it does not replay. Using

$('body').removeClass( 'magicBg' );
$('body').addClass( 'magicBg' )

does not work — the gif resumes from the final frame. How can I make it restart from the beginning each time the class is added?

I checked another answer that suggests reloading the gif with random URL parameters from the server. Unfortunately, this won't work for me as the image is encoded in the CSS. Is there a way to add a random date stamp to the base64 data?

Answer №1

If you want to trigger the replay of an animated gif, consider adding extra made-up fields to the data url:

//incorporate a date timestamp to prevent duplication

Answer №2

Exciting to witness the rise in popularity of incorporating base64-encoded loading animations!

Moving on to the main issue, there appears to be a common typo in your background declaration, which I have addressed for you here. The original code snippet:


should actually be replaced with


It is possible that the file you encoded may have been corrupted (especially if an online encoding tool was used).

To troubleshoot the issue, I downloaded the embedded file (right click > view background image > right click > save as... on Firefox). However, the image did not render correctly:

Interestingly, the image appeared normal in Finder file preview when I uploaded it to SO imgur. Could there be a broken index or a premature file upload termination? While I lack expertise in the technicalities of GIF formats, I have re-encoded the corrected file.

NB: It is unnecessary to use quotes in url()

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