Steps to create a div with a z-index of 1 that fills the entire height:

Looking at the image, I have a sidebar that opens over other elements (blue color) using z-index = 1. When the sidebar is open, I want to hide all other elements except for the sidebar. However, towards the end of the sidebar, I can still see other elements from the page such as Sheets A and Sheets B.

I have tried setting different values like 100vh, 500vh, 100%, auto but none seem to work. Is there a way to make the element with Z-index = 1 occupy the entire vertical screen?

.navigationbar--open .navigationbar__body {
    max-height: auto;
    opacity: 1;


<div className="navigationbar--open">
    <div className="navigationbar__heading">

        <div className="foldersection">
            <img src={image} className="navbar__icon" />

        <FaSortDown />
    <div className="navigationbar__body">

          <li>Folder A</li>
          <li>Folder B</li>
          <li>Folder C</li>


Answer №1

To achieve the desired outcome, CSS properties such as overflow, display, height, and width can be utilized effectively. In this demonstration, I ensure that the navbar element spans the entire screen by setting its height to 100vh (representing 100% of the vertical viewport) and preventing vertical scrolling or display of other elements with the overflow-y property set to hidden. Toggling the button element triggers a change in the display property to flex for the nav element. See the example below.

$('.btn').click(function() {
nav {
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100vw;
    background: pink;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    display: none;
    flex-direction: column;
} {
    display: flex;

.btn {
    position: absolute;
    top: 25px;right: 25px;
    z-index: 2;
<script src=""></script>
<div>some other page content above some other page content above some other page content above some other page content abovesome other page content above</div>
<button class='btn'>btn</button>
  <span>some nav item 1</span>
  <span>some nav item 1</span>
  <span>some nav item 1</span>
<div>some other page content above some other page content above some other page content above some other page content abovesome other page content below some other page content above some other page content above some other page content above some other page content abovesome other page content below some other page content above some o... 

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