How to Choose Between Landscape and Portrait Printing Modes in Firefox and Internet Explorer 8

Currently, I am using the latest version of FireFox and IE8.

In order to change the printing orientation, I utilized the following code in my CSS file:

@page { size: portrait; } 

You can find more information about the @page property here.

Although it is said that the @page property is supported in both browsers, my testing shows that it only works in Chrome. Can anyone advise on how to print a page in different orientations in FireFox or IE8?

Answer №1

Currently, it is not advisable for any application to rely on this feature for cross-browser compatibility as the CSS3 standard for page orientation in printing is still being implemented in most browsers.

Interestingly, Google Chrome seems to have no issues with this feature:

Ultimately, the decision to change the orientation during printing lies with the user (even if it technically works). You can inform users to print the page in landscape or portrait, but in general, there may never be a way to prevent users from changing the orientation when printing from desktop browsers.

A recent bug report for Firefox can be found here:

If you need more information, you can refer to the accepted answer on this question: Landscape printing from HTML

Answer №2

According to the MDN reference:

You are restricted to changing only the margins, orphans, widows, and page breaks of the document. Any attempts to modify other CSS properties will not take effect.

I am unable to provide you with specific markup that achieves your desired outcome here on SO. Moreover, it would be a challenging task given that you are looking to make an older version of IE perform as well as a modern Firefox browser.

Answer №3

If you want to switch the page printing layout from portrait to landscape and see the difference, follow these steps:

To enable this feature, use the following CSS code which is supported since version 19.0. This should help resolve your issue: For IE8, you will need to include the HTML5 directive in your HTML.

<!doctype html>

Css code :

@media print{@page {size: landscape}}

For more information on browser support, check out these links: Firefox: IE:

Answer №4

Isn't it strange that this

    -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
    -moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
    -o-transform: rotate(90deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
    transform: rotate(90deg);

isn't working for you in the newest version of Firefox? I tested it myself and it worked just fine.

If you're having trouble, check out this link. It may not be exactly what you need for portrait mode (printing), but it could give you some inspiration.

As a last resort, if you're really stuck and need to figure this out, you could take a screenshot of the webpage using something like html2canvas, rotate the image, and then print the image instead of the page itself... Not the most ideal solution, but it does bypass the browser.

Answer №5

When I encountered this issue some time back while creating a basic form, it posed quite a challenge for me.

It appears that Chrome is considered the top browser when it comes to restricting user control over the printing process. Nonetheless, its capabilities are still limited, and other browsers like Firefox do not support @page.

To address this, I decided to incorporate a @media print into the style sheet to prompt the user to print the page in portrait mode. I used display: none; on the header, nav, and footer elements to eliminate any unwanted browser additions (this method works on Chrome and Firefox, but IE may require manual adjustments). Additionally, I set border: 0; on input fields since they were part of a form... Lastly, I specified a width and height for the container div to align with an 8.5 x 11 paper size for optimal fitting.

@media print{
    @page {size: auto; margin: auto;}
    header nav, footer {display: none;}
    input {border: 0px;}
    #container  {width:9.1in; height:10in;}


In the end, webpage printing remains heavily influenced by the user's browser choice, making it a rather complex issue to tackle. Utilizing @media print certainly helps, but generating a PDF version of the page for users to export may be the most reliable way to ensure accurate printing results.

Answer №6

To adjust the page layout, simply navigate to the file menu and select page setup to modify the orientation setting. I have successfully used this method before.

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