Troubleshooting the sidebar pin-unpin problem using Jquery and CSS

I have created a single side panel that allows me to toggle between opening and closing the sidebar by hovering on it. I can also pin and unpin the sidebar by clicking on the pin image. Now, I want to open the sidebar onClick instead of onHover and remove the onHover functionality. Additionally, I wish to add a feature where clicking on the box to open the sidebar automatically pins it, eliminating the need for manual pinning. Once the sidebar is opened with a click, it should remain open until clicked again. To close the sidebar, I must click on the same box used to open it.

Code Sample


<ul id="dock">
            <li id="files">
                <ul class="free">
                    <li class="header"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="dock"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" BORDER="0" ALT="Dock"  style = "padding-top: 12px;"></a><a href="#" class="undock"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" BORDER="0" ALT=""  style = "padding-top: 12px;"></a><H5 ID="colorgreen">DISCOVER </h4></li>
                    <div id="accordion">
                      <h3>Section 1</h3>
                      <div class = "accordionheight">
                        accordion 1 content
                      <h3>Section 2</h3>
                      <div class = "accordionheight">
                        accordion 2 content
                      <h3>Section 3</h3>
                      <div class = "accordionheight">
                        accordion 3 content

            <li id="tools">
                <ul class="free">
                    <li class="header"><a href="#" class="dock"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" BORDER="0" ALT="Dock"></a><a href="#" class="undock"><IMG SRC="" WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16" BORDER="0" ALT="Undock"></a><H5 ID="colorgreen">FACT FILE</H5></li>
                    <li><a href="#">This is one item</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">This is one item</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">This is one item</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">This is one item</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#">This is one item</a></li>


            var docked = 0;

            $("#dock li ul").height($(window).height());

            $("#dock .dock").click(function(){

                docked += 1;
                var dockH = ($(window).height()) / docked
                var dockT = 0;               

                $("#dock li ul.docked").each(function(){
                $(this).height(dockH).css("top", dockT + "px");
                dockT += dockH;

                if (docked > 0)
                $("#content").css("margin-left", "60px");

            $("#dock .undock").click(function(){
                .animate({right:"-80px"}, 200).height($(window).height()).css("top", "0px");

                docked = docked - 1;
                var dockH = ($(window).height()) / docked
                var dockT = 0;               

                $("#dock li ul.docked").each(function(){
                $(this).height(dockH).css("top", dockT + "px");
                dockT += dockH;

                if (docked > 0)
                $("#content").css("margin-left", "40px");
                $("#content").css("margin-left", "80px");

            $("#dock li").hover(function(){
                $(this).find("ul").animate({right:"40px"}, 200);
                }, function(){
                    $(this).find("").animate({right:"-80px"}, 200);


                 #dock{margin:0px; padding:0px; list-style:none; position:fixed; top:0px; height:100%; 
          z-index:9999; background-color:#f0f0f0; right:0px;}
    #dock > li {width:40px; height:8.3%; margin: 0 0 1px 0; background-color:#dcdcdc;
                 background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:left center;}

    #dock #files {background-image:url(../images/menu.png);}
    #dock #tools {background-image:url(../images/menu.png);}

    /*#dock > li:hover {background-position:-40px 0px;}*/

    /* panels */
    #dock ul li {padding:5px; border: solid 1px #F1F1F1;}

    #dock > li:hover ul {display:block;}
    #dock > li ul {position:absolute; top:0px; right: 40px;  z-index:-1;width:180px; display:none;
                   background-color:#F1F1F1; border:solid 1px #969696; padding:0px; margin:0px; list-style:none;}
    #dock > li ul.docked { display:block;z-index:-2;}

   .undock {display:none;}
    #sidepanelcontent {margin: 10px 0 0 60px;}

    #colorgreen {color:green;}

View JsFiddle Example

Answer №1

Would you like something similar to this example

I have incorporated a click event and made some adjustments by transferring code from hover. Additionally, I made slight modifications to the CSS

The tabs are hidden until you click on the boxes


I've included a quick demo which completely disregards hover effects

HTML remains unchanged


  1. Removed :hover selector
  2. Modified
    #dock > li ul {position:absolute; top:0px; right: -40px; z-index:-1;width:0px; display:block;
    It is now visible but shifted out of view with a width of 0px


All functions are now triggered by $("#dock li").click(), determining whether to open or close a tab based on its width

var docked = 0;

$("#dock li ul").height($(window).height());

$("#dock li").click(function(){
var test = $(this).find("ul").css('width');
if (test=="0px"){
$(this).find("ul").addClass("docked").removeClass("free").animate({right:"40px",width:'180px'}, 200);
docked += 1;
$(this).find("ul").addClass("free").removeClass("docked").animate({right:"-40px",width:'0px'}, 200);
docked = docked - 1;

var dockH = ($(window).height()) / docked;
var dockT = 0;

$("#dock li ul.docked").each(function(){
$(this).height(dockH).css("top", dockT + "px");
dockT += dockH;

if (docked > 0)
$("#content").css("margin-left", "60px");

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