Steps for altering the primary color in PrimeNG__Changing the primary color

What is the most effective way to modify the default primary color for primeNG (saga-blue theme)? Altering --primary-color does not have the desired effect, as elements in node_modules/..../theme.css are styled using the main color hex rather than '--primary-color'. Additionally, attempting to override the styling for all elements that utilize the primary color is challenging due to the multitude of elements and varying shades of --primary-color on hover and focus. How can this be successfully managed?

Answer №1

I found inspiration from a solution by Ε Г И І И О and adapted it to suit my needs. I hope it doesn't cause any issues in the future, but for now, it's working perfectly.

This is how I approached it:

  1. (same) Duplicate the base theme.css file from primeng (Locate it at
  2. (same) Customize all colors and styles according to your preferences. (Tip: use find -> replace method)
  3. Save the modified themes.css to a designated folder, such as src/app/styles/theme.css (Hint: consider switching to scss and utilize color variables for more organized and re-usable code)
  4. In the angular.json file within the "styles" array, update the reference from
    to your new path, like src/app/styles/theme.css
  5. Sit back and relax, no manual copying or tweaking of node-modules needed. This way, you can easily transfer your code to another machine without hassle!

Answer №2

In case you prefer switching the main color to green, orange, or purple, simply switch your theme to one of those options (such as saga-green, saga-orange...)

If you desire further personalization, feel free to utilize their theme designer.

Answer №3

Try this creative solution.

  1. Duplicate the primary theme.css file from primeng (Located at


  2. Edit all colors and styles to your preference. (Pro tip: use find and replace method)

  3. Save the modified file in an assets directory. (It can be placed outside of the src folder)

  4. Install cpx ( This tool helps with file copying tasks.

    npm install cpx --save-dev

  5. Add the following scripts to your package.json file.

    "copyCss": "cpx \"assets/theme.css\"\"node_modules/primeng/resources/themes/{your_theme}/\""

    "ngBuild": "npm run copyCss && ng build"

  6. Execute npm run ngBuild to compile your application. (Include any other necessary build commands)

  7. Congratulations! Your personalized styles are now ready for use :)

Answer №4

If you're looking for a challenging approach to this task,

Following the advice of others, begin by copying any theme.css to a new file and then proceed with the following steps to convert it to SCSS: Step 1 - Extract all the CSS colors using the link provided below, excluding those that are already in CSS variables.

After completing step 1, you will have a list of colors that need to be replaced with CSS variables.

Step 2 - Utilize a tool to convert CSS to SCSS, for example -

Paste the results from Step 2 into a new theme.scss file.

-> Define a CSS variable / SCSS variable for each color identified in Step 1, Perform a find and replace with all CSS variables / SCSS variables for every color listed in Step 1 (if they do not already exist).

Answer №5

To customize the look and feel of your web application, you can modify the SCSS variables using tools like the Prime Theme Designer. Once you have set the variables, simply import the theme SCSS into your project's styles.scss file.

$primaryColor: red !default;
@import 'node_modules/primeng-sass-theme/themes/nova/nova/theme';

In order to access the theme SCSS files, you'll need to include their theme repository as a dependency in your package.json.

"dependencies": {
  // ...
  "primeng-sass-theme": "github:primefaces/primeng-sass-theme#16.2.0",

Answer №6

Head over to either style.scss or style.css and modify the color that requires changing. I want to adjust --primarycolor


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