Steps for adjusting an image in a Bootstrap Carousel

Currently tackling a simple bootstrap Carousel for a school project. I've adjusted the max-height of the images to 400px but it seems like only the top part of the images is visible. I attempted to adjust the margins on the image, and even thought about cropping them to fit better, but before doing so, I wanted to reach out to the community for advice.

Is there a way to readjust the positioning of images in a bootstrap carousel so that it centers on the resized carousel view? I'm hoping to bring the image up so that the center of it aligns with what is being displayed now that the carousel has been resized.

Answer №1

If you're seeking a way to display images at their maximum size while maintaining aspect ratio, consider using the object-fit: contain CSS property.

.example-item {
  max-height: 200px;  

.example-item img {
  height: 200px;
  width: 100%;
  object-fit: contain;

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