Step-by-step guide on applying a universal CSS class to every component within an application

I am in the process of building a multilingual react application and I am looking for a solution to dynamically apply certain CSS styles to most components based on the chosen language. I am seeking something akin to direction-rtl and direction-ltr, which affect all components when applied to the body component. My idea is to assign a class like lang-en to all components and then define specific CSS rules in the component's CSS file that will only be applied when they have the lang-en class. For example, I want to change the background color of all elements with the .rec class to red when the lang-en class is present.

.rec.lang-en {
    background-color: red;

Answer №1

To implement styling based on language, you can create a parent component that checks the language and applies the appropriate style. Here is an example:


The LanguageDetectorLayout component would look something like this:

  <div className={`custom-style ${lang=="en"?"bg-white":"bg-red"}`}>

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