Sorting rows by words and numbers in JavaScript explained

Hello, I'm a beginner and I need help sorting the table rows in the following table. I also want to attach an onclick listener to the header after it is displayed.

ID Name Inventory Volume
1 Rachel Data is not enough
2 Ross 100
3 Monica 1
4 Connor Data is not enough
5 Dustin -5

I would like to sort this table with the words at the end in descending order.

ID Name Inventory Volume
2 Ross 100
3 Monica 10
5 Dustin -5
1 Rachel Data is not enough
4 Connor Data is not enough

In addition, I'd like the other columns to be sorted as well and have the function to sort them too.

I tried a solution but it only works for one column. Here is the link to my code:

function sortData(data, method) {
  let lessData = 'Data Not Enough'
  let lastItems = []
  let sortedList;
  if (method == 'descending') {
    sortedList = data.sort((a, b) => {
      return a - b
  } else if (method == 'ascending') {
    sortedList = data.sort((a, b) => {
      return b - a
  for (let i = 0; i < sortedList.length; i++) {
    if (sortedList[i] == lessData) {
      let item = sortedList[i]
      sortedList.splice(i, 1)
  sortedList = sortedList.concat(lastItems)
  return sortedList

I would really appreciate your help. Thank you!

Answer №1

If my understanding is correct, you are looking to have all instances of "Data Not Enough" at the end of the sorted list. Here is a function that can achieve this:

function sortData(data, method) {
    let lessData = 'Data Not Enough'
    let sortedList;  
    sortedList = data.sort((a, b) => {
        if(a=='Data Not Enough')
            return 1
        if(b=='Data Not Enough')
            return -1
      return method=='ascending'? a-b : b-a
    return sortedList

Answer №2

Is that similar to what you were looking for?
Simply click on the header columns to organize the table

  myTableHead     = document.querySelector('#my-table thead')
, myTableHead_TH  = document.querySelectorAll('#my-table thead th')
, myTableBody     = document.querySelector('#my-table tbody')
, myTableBody_TR  = [...document.querySelectorAll('#my-table tbody tr')]
, sortOrder       = ['','asc','desc']
, isDNE = str => str.trim() === 'Data is not enough'
myTableHead.onclick = ({target}) =>
  if (!target.matches('th')) return
  let idx = (sortOrder.findIndex(x=>x===target.className) +1) %3
  target.className = sortOrder[idx]

  if ( sortOrder[idx] )
      .sort(dynaSort(target.cellIndex, target.dataset.type, sortOrder[idx] ))
      .forEach(tr=>myTableBody.appendChild(tr) )

function dynaSort( colIndex, colType, order='asc' )
  let sortOrder = (order === 'desc') ? -1 : 1
  return function(row_a,row_b)
    let a = row_a.cells[colIndex].textContent
      , b = row_b.cells[colIndex].textContent
    if (isDNE(a) && isDNE(b)) return 0
    if (isDNE(a))  return +1
    if (isDNE(b)) return -1

    if (colType==='str')  return (a.trim().localeCompare(b.trim())) *sortOrder 
    return (Number(a) - Number(b)) *sortOrder 
table  {
  border-collapse : collapse;
  margin          : 2em 1em;
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
td,th  {
  padding    : .2em .8em;
  border     : 1px solid darkblue;
th::after {
  display    :  block;
  float      : inline-end;
  content    : '\25B7';
  margin     : 0 0 0 1em;
  transition : 180ms;
  color      : transparent;
th.asc::after {
  transform  : rotate(-90deg);
  color      : whitesmoke;
th.desc::after {
  transform  : rotate(+90deg);
  color      : whitesmoke;
thead {
  background : #437c97;
  color      : whitesmoke;
  cursor     : pointer;
<table id="my-table" >
      <th data-type="num">ID</th> 
      <th data-type="str">Name</th>  
      <th data-type="num">Inventory Volume</th>  
    <tr> <td>1</td> <td>Rachel</td> <td>Data is not enough</td> </tr>
    <tr> <td>2</td> <td>Ross</td>   <td>  100 </td>             </tr>
    <tr> <td>3</td> <td>Monica</td> <td>    1 </td>             </tr>
    <tr> <td>4</td> <td>Connor</td> <td>Data is not enough</td> </tr>
    <tr> <td>5</td> <td>Dustin</td> <td>   -5 </td>             </tr>

Answer №3

  • This should work perfectly! Utilizing the @YamirL sorting algorithm.
function sort(e, method) {
  //Get table
  while ((e = e.parentElement) && !e.classList.contains("table"));
  //Get rows
  let rows = Array.from(e.getElementsByTagName("tr"));
  //Get each value for each row
  let values = => {
    let tds = Array.from(row.getElementsByTagName("td"));
    return => td.innerHTML);
  // Remove headers from values array

  // Sort the array by volume
  values.sort((a, b) => {
    var exception = "Data Not Enough";
    if(a[1] == exception)
      return 1;
    if(b[1] == exception)
      return -1;
    return method == 'ascending' ? a[1] - b[1] : b[1] - a[1];

  // Put sorted values back on the table

  // Get body
  let body = e.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
  // Erase Body
  body.innerHTML = "";
  // Iterate each row
  values.forEach(row => {
    // Create new row element
    let tr = document.createElement("tr");
    // Iterate each column
    row.forEach(val => {
      // Create new value
      let td = document.createElement("td");
      // Append values
    // Append row to body

Here is a snippet to test the complete code, I included a <tbody> in the table.

function sort(e, method) {
  while ((e = e.parentElement) && !e.classList.contains("table"));
  let rows = Array.from(e.getElementsByTagName("tr"));
  let values = => {
    let tds = Array.from(row.getElementsByTagName("td"));
    return => td.innerHTML);


  values.sort((a, b) => {
    var exception = "Data Not Enough";
    if(a[1] == exception)
      return 1;
    if(b[1] == exception)
      return -1;
    return method == 'ascending' ? a[1] - b[1] : b[1] - a[1];

  let body = e.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
  body.innerHTML = "";
  values.forEach(row => {
    let tr = document.createElement("tr");
    row.forEach(val => {
      let td = document.createElement("td");
.clickable {
  cursor: pointer;

.clickable:hover {
  opacity: 0.7;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

<table class="table">
      <th scope="col">Name</th>
      <th scope="col" class="clickable" onclick='sort(this, "descending")'>Volume</th>
      <td>Data Not Enough</td>
      <td>Data Not Enough</td>

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