Initiate an animation in Wordpress once the entire page has finished loading

Recently, I incorporated some "raw html" elements with animations into my WordPress site. However, the issue I'm facing is that these animations kick off as soon as the page loads, without waiting for the preloader to complete and display the actual content.

I'm still unclear on whether or not the preloader ceases once the page has finished loading. I have a feeling that the page continues to run additional processes even after it's fully loaded.

Being relatively new to WordPress (and inexperienced in JavaScript), I haven't touched any of the core PHP or JS files directly. Instead, I've been simply utilizing the "RAW HTML" element for this purpose.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If you're not too keen on diving into coding, I recommend exploring plugins like AniJS in conjunction with ScrollReveal.

These plugins can be applied to any tag on your website (such as body, p, div, etc).

data-anijs="if: DOMContentLoaded, on: window, do: yourAnimation animated, before: scrollReveal, after: holdAnimClass"

The DOMContentLoaded event (and other loading options) verifies if the browser has finished loading the entire page before triggering the animation on scroll (you can also opt for no scroll effect by removing "before: scrollReveal"), and then retains the animation class to prevent it from looping endlessly.

Answer №2

Insert your animation JavaScript code here

$( document ).ready(function() {
  // Code inside this function will be executed when the DOM is fully loaded

This function executes when the entire document has been loaded.

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