Sophisticated solution for bridging the space between the div edge and its contents

When examining this specific fiddle, a 1px gap is noticed between the background of the links and the background of the #content div in various browsers, even when zoomed at different levels (the reason for this zoom effect remains unknown). This issue seems to stem from the fact that the div containing the links occupies one additional pixel both at the top and bottom compared to the links themselves.

A temporary fix involves applying a negative margin-bottom, although I am in search of a more sophisticated solution that works seamlessly across all browsers. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

By applying a 1px padding to the links, the space between them was eliminated.

If adding padding is not feasible for some reason, adjusting the line-height could also resolve the issue.

Answer №2

The most sophisticated approach that closely resembles what you originally had in mind is by implementing the display: inline-block property on the a element:

Answer №3

To resolve the issue, consider implementing a reset CSS:

I opted for Eric Meyer's reset. Some additional styling may be required to achieve your desired look, but the reset should address any unexpected behaviors.

Answer №4

Utilizing floats can enhance the organization of elements on a webpage - check out this example...

If you prefer not to use floats, adjusting line-heights could also improve the layout.

Additionally, implementing a CSS reset is recommended for optimal styling consistency.

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