How can I achieve a letter-spacing of 0.5 pixels in CSS?

Encountering an issue, I set out to enhance readability by adjusting letter-spacing to 1px. Displeased with the result, I attempted a half pixel spacing of 0.5px but found it ineffective. Subsequently, I experimented with em attributes but failed to accomplish the desired outcome.

Is there a solution that allows for half-pixel letter spacing across browsers?

Answer №1

Back in 2008, a bug was reported and has since been confirmed. It seems like hacking into webkit to fix this issue would bring happiness to many designers.

Check out the bug report here

Answer №2

While sub-pixel letter spacing functions correctly on Firefox, it does not render properly on WebKit browsers (especially on Windows). Here is a test case to illustrate this issue:

Additionally, this test demonstrates that the problem is not limited to sub-pixel values. Even fractional em values resulting in less than 1px of letter-spacing are disregarded by WebKit, but function perfectly on Firefox.

Answer №3

The issue has been resolved in Chromium and has also been implemented in Chrome 30. As a result, fractional values are now compatible with Firefox, Chrome, and Opera browsers.

Answer №4

@Rachel Re: the concept of fractional pixels. While they may not physically exist, they are digitally recreated through transparencies and color variations. A prime example of this can be seen in icons and type serifs. Upon closer inspection, what seems like a thin line is actually mimicked by rendering the line with a lighter color to deceive the eye. Graphic software has effectively handled fractional pixels for quite some time now, even if they are technically non-existent. It's unfortunate that webkit browsers have yet to catch up.

Regarding fractional letter spacing, it can be defined and functions well in non-webkit browsers (good job, IE). In webkit browsers, however, letter spacing is rounded off to the nearest whole number (usually rounding down). This rounding occurs not only when the letter-spacing is directly specified as a fractional pixel but also when it is set as a percentage or em value, leading to a final calculation in pixels resulting in a fraction. This can be incredibly frustrating for developers and designers alike.

Answer №5

Although sub-pixel sizes are technically allowed, they often yield inconsistent outcomes when viewed on different web browsers. Text elements, for example, tend to snap to whole pixels which can lead to visual discrepancies due to rounding errors.

Answer №6

We can utilize fractional values for letter-spacing in web development, with support from Webkit, Firefox, Chrome, and Opera which has been available since late 2013.

This information is confirmed by CSS Tricks -

I have personally conducted a test to verify this functionality.

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