Sliding left and right with the help of jQuery

Hey there! I'm currently working on designing a sliding menu bar that can move left or right based on user interaction with arrow buttons. When the user hovers over the right arrow, the navigation bar smoothly slides from right to left until it reaches its final position, where it stops. Similarly, hovering over the left arrow triggers the navigation to slide in the opposite direction, stopping once it hits the end point.

I'm struggling to piece everything together, so if you could take a look at the fiddle here:


<div class="nav">
  <div class="arrowLeft"><</div>
  <div class="arrowRight">></div>
      <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">why us</a></li>


* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
.nav {
    width: 940px;


var leftMove = 0;   
        var rightMove = 0;  
        var leftValue = $('.nav').find('ul').css('left');           
        var rightValue = $('.nav').find('ul').css('right'); 

If anyone can offer some guidance, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Give this a try:

    $('.nav ul').animate({ left: '+=120' }, 400 );

    $('.nav ul').animate({ left: '-=120' }, 400 );

IMPORTANT: Remember to manage the spacing before moving left or right, I've provided a hint here.

Check out a live demonstration here


Consider using a jQuery plugin for this functionality, check out these options:

I hope this information proves useful to you!

Answer №2

If my understanding is correct, you are seeking something similar to this - Check out the Example here

In your scenario where there is a wrapper with limited width .nav(width=940px) around the ul, we can calculate its width and shift the ul to the right by subtracting the first child's width.

  Shift = $(wrapper).width() - $(li).first().width();

To shift to the left, we would need to move the slider by the actual ul width minus the last child's width.

It should be noted that I have adjusted the css property for the ul width (set it to 99999px) to prevent floated lis from moving to another line.

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