Sliding HTML tabs for easy navigation

Is there a way to display multiple tabs in a limited space by using arrows to toggle between hidden tabs? Or perhaps by dragging the tab strip back and forth as needed?

Imagine having 10 tabs but only room for 5 to be visible:

Tab 1 Tab 2 Tab 3 Tab 4 Tab 5 Tab 6 Tab 7 Tab 8 Tab 9 Tab 10

In this scenario, Tabs 1-5 are visible while Tabs 6-10 are hidden. The goal is to navigate between the visible and hidden tabs by clicking on arrows or dragging the strip. When transitioning, Tabs 1-5 will become hidden.

With each click of the right (or left) arrow, or with each drag, one tab should move accordingly.

Answer №1

Customize Your Slider Tabs with jQuery

Step 1: Adding the Necessary Files

To get started, extract the package into your project directory and include the following files in the head section of your HTML. Remember to ensure jQuery is included before the plugin.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/jquery.sliderTabs.min.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/jquery.sliderTabs.min.js"></script>

Step 2: Structuring Your Tabs

Create a div element that contains an unordered list of tab links followed by corresponding div elements for panels. Ensure the href attribute of the tab links points to the respective panel's ID. Even if you don't plan on using tabs, include this markup for necessary plugin functionality like indicators. Here's a basic example:

<div id="mySliderTabs">
    <li><a href="#canyon">The Grand Canyon</a></li>
    <li><a href="#taj">The Taj Mahal</a></li>
    <li><a href="#bigben">Big Ben</a></li>

  <div id="canyon">
    <h3>The Grand Canyon</h3>
    <!-- Panel content here -->
  <div id="taj">
    <h3>The Taj Mahal</h3>
    <!-- Panel content here -->
  <div id="bigben">
    <h3>Big Ben</h3>
    <!-- Panel content here -->

Step 3: Activating the Plugin

Select the container div using jQuery and apply the sliderTabs() function to initialize the slider tabs.

var slider = $("div#mySliderTabs").sliderTabs();
... or configure additional options. Refer to the next section for a complete list of available settings.

var slider = $("div#mySliderTabs").sliderTabs({
  autoplay: true,
  mousewheel: false,
  position: "bottom"

Learn more about Slider Tabs

Download the Plugin

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