I'm having difficulties with separators in CSS when I attempt to insert one

Hey there, I've encountered an issue with my separator:

#menu li:not(:first-child):before {
   content: " | ";

Despite this code working, the first li item isn't being separated like the others. This is the current output I'm getting:

test1 test2 | test3 | test4 

Can anyone guide me on how to resolve this problem?

Answer №1

The initial list item does not contain the divider because of the specific selector you used that indicates the style should exclude the first <li>. To have all list items separated, simply include this rule in your CSS:

#menu li:not(:first-child):before {
    content: " | ";

Answer №2

It seems that this solution may meet your requirements, and should function smoothly:

If you encounter any issues, please check your page for any CSS rules that may be hiding the marker before the second list item.

#menu {
  list-style: none;

#menu li {
  display: inline-block;

#menu li:not(:first-child):before {
  content: " | "; 
<ul id="menu">

Answer №3

css altered:

However, it seems that there is no observable distinction, so your css needs to be effective.

#menu li:after {
content: " | "; }

#menu li:last-child:after {
content: ""; }

#menu li {display: inline-block;}
<ul id="menu">

Nevertheless, the stackoverflow community suggests:

This approach should be functional:

  #menu li:not(:first-child):before {
       content: " | "; 
 #menu li {display: inline-block;}
<ul id="menu">

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