Currently, I am in the process of creating a unique jQuery plugin that enables users to instantly delete records within a table. One key feature I would like to implement is changing the background-color of the deleted row to red and then smoothly sliding it out of view.
Below is a portion of the code snippet I have been working on. However, this code does not include the color-changing animation or the slide-up effect for the row. Despite this, the row does get deleted once the supposed slide-up animation finishes. Here are some important details to consider while reviewing the code:
- The "object" variable is a reference in jQuery to the object that was clicked to trigger the deletion operation.
- The "object.parent().parent()" object refers to the row that is being removed.
- The "deleteHighlight" CSS class determines the red color assigned to the row.
- The "addClass" method used here belongs to jQueryUI, enabling animated effects and callbacks.
object.parent().parent().addClass('deleteHighlight', 1000, function() {
//Slide up the table row
$(this).slideUp(1000, function() {
//Remove the row
This action is carried out within a straightforward HTML structure as shown below:
<table class="dataTable">
<th> </th>
<th>Content Snapshot</th>
<tr class="odd" id="11" name="1">
<td class="center width50"><a class="dragger"></a><a class="visibilityTrigger eyeShow"></a></td>
<td class="center width150">Title</td>
<div class="clipContainer">Content</div>
<div class="hide contentContainer">Content</div>
<div class="hide URLContainer">my-url</div>
<td class="center width75"><a class="edit"></a><a class="delete"></a></td>
If you have any suggestions or examples on how to improve this functionality, please feel free to share them with me.
Thank you very much for your assistance.