Slick.js integrated with 3D flip is automatically flipping after the initial rotation

I'm encountering an issue with my CSS3 carousel and 3D flipping. Whenever I navigate through the carousel and flip to the next slide, the first slide seems to automatically flip/flop after completing the rotation.

You can see a visual demonstration of the problem in this screencast.

For further reference, here is the link to the fiddle.

var init = function() {
  var flippers = document.getElementsByClassName("flip");

    for(i = 0; i < flippers.length; i++){
        flippers[i].addEventListener( 'click', function(){
            var cardID = this.getAttribute('data-targetid');;
            var card = document.getElementById(cardID);
  }, false);

Answer №1

Deleting z-index: 2 from .front resolved the issue for me

This is a fantastic inquiry. The usage of a screencast, jsfiddle, and code sample was quite impressive!

To address this in the CSS snippet provided:

.slick-cloned {
    background-color: red;

You will observe that prior to the "flash" from front to back, the cloned slide becomes visible and is then removed.

Answer №2

While troubleshooting an issue in Safari, I came across this helpful resource that helped me find a solution. If you're facing a similar problem, check out the link below:

backface-visibility: Backface-visibility is supported by Firefox 10+ and IE 10+ without any prefix. However, Opera (post Blink, 15+), Chrome, Safari, iOS, and Android require -webkit-backface-visibility.

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