Is HTML5 data-target used for loading pages?

Currently, I am working with some HTML5 code:

<li class="tile google" data-target-activation="click" data-target="loading">
    <a href="#">Search Google</a>

Upon clicking the link, it directs users to a "loading" page using the data-target="loading" attribute. This allows for smooth transition to the loading page.

I am now looking to add a hyperlink that will smoothly transition to the loading screen and then redirect to a blog within my website. How can I achieve this?

EDIT: Can we implement a response.redirect function within the form element?

Answer №1

Resolved through the following method:

    $('li#blogLink.tile').click(function (e) {

    if ($("").length) { // checking for existing section
        setTimeout(function() {
            window.location.href = "";
        }, 2000);

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