Troubleshooting: Custom icons not displaying in Next.js application

Every time I attempt to use icons that I have loaded into my source code, I keep getting this default icon displayed:

I'm uncertain about what exactly is causing this issue. Here is the layout of my file tree for reference:

When attempting to utilize an icon (in this case, Ellipse6.png), I am referencing the source as "../style/assets/Ellipse6.png". Below is a snippet of the code (from index.jsx) where I am trying to use it from:

            <div className="col-sm-6 pl-sm-2 pr-sm-0">
            <Carousel className={"carousel"}>
                  className="d-block w-100"
                  src='../style/assets/Ellipse 7.png'
                  alt="First slide"

I can assure you that the import path is correct, and I am puzzled as to why .png files are not being supported. Is there something else that I might be overlooking?

Answer №1

In my opinion, it's best to keep your images and icons in the public folder rather than the styles folder. The public folder is specifically designed for storing images and icons.

When specifying the route path, make sure to use /. For example, if you have an assets folder with an icons subfolder in the public directory, use /assets/icons/youricon.png. If you place your icons directly in the assets folder within the public directory, the path would look like this:

 className="d-block w-100"
 src='/assets/Ellipse 7.png'
 alt="First slide"

Although you can navigate through the public folder using relative paths like the following code snippet, I recommend sticking to placing your icons and images directly in the public folder:

 className="d-block w-100"
 src='/../style/assets/Ellipse 7.png'
 alt="First slide"

Answer №2

Perhaps you can attempt using the image name like /../style/assets/ellipse-7.png. This might resolve the issue.

When accessing the public directory, ensure to include / at the start of the path.

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