Sleek and versatile sidebar reaching full height

Is there a way to make my sidebar cover the full height of the screen without using position: fixed? The code I've tried doesn't seem quite right. Any tips?


if($(window).height() > $('#page-container').height()){
    $('#menu').css("min-height", $(window).height());
    $('#menu').css("min-height", $('#page-container').height());

Answer №1

To achieve the div occupying the entire height of the screen:

#full-height {
    height: 100vh;

Answer №2

If you want to create a table-like layout using CSS, you can follow this example:

body {
  display: table;
  width: 100%;
  min-height: 100vh;

.section {
  display: table-row;

.sidebar {
  width: 250px;
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: top;
  height: 100%;

.sidebar + .content {
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: top;
  height: 100%;

body, .sidebar, .sidebar + .content {
  border: 1px solid #000;

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