Put the code inside a function. I'm new to this

My goal is to encapsulate this code:

if($(window).width() > 980) {
   $(window).on("scroll", function() {
      if($(window).scrollTop() > 20) {
        //add black background
        $(".x-navbar .desktop .x-nav li a").addClass("small-bar");
      else {
        //remove background
        $(".x-navbar .desktop .x-nav li a").removeClass("small-bar");

into a function, making it possible to deactivate it when the width is under 980px.

The desired outcome consists of the following steps:

Create a function like this:

navBar = function () {
     // entire code block goes here.

and later "disable" it on mobile devices with a width below 980px as follows:

if($(window).width() < 980) {
    // DO NOT execute the function named "navBar".

The issue I am facing is that upon resizing the window to a width less than 980px, the code does not respond to the resize event and continues to run regardless.

Answer №1

as previously stated in the comment

$(window).on("scroll resize", function() {
     if($(window).width() > 980) {
      if($(window).scrollTop() > 20) {
        //apply black background
        $(".x-navbar .desktop .x-nav li  a").addClass("small-bar");
      else {
        //remove background
        $(".x-navbar .desktop .x-nav li a").removeClass("small-bar");
         // if window width < 980
         //remove background
        $(".x-navbar .desktop .x-nav li a").removeClass("small-bar");

Answer №2

If you want to take action when the window is resized, you can create a function and register it with the window.resize event.

$(window).resize(function () {
    //Add your code to check the width here

I hope this information proves useful to you.

Answer №3

The reason for this behavior is that a listener remains active until explicitly removed after instantiation. For removing a listener, refer to jQuery's off function. By utilizing off() and on(), you can control the event based on the window size.

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