Sketch a bounding box around an image displayed within a modal

I am a JavaScript beginner and currently working on a small code project that involves displaying an image inside a modal. I am attempting to draw a bounding box over the image.

Below is the code snippet I've used to try drawing the bounding box:

HTML: (modal code for displaying the image)

<div id="myModal" class="modal">

 <!-- The Close Button -->
 <span class="close">&times;</span>

 <!-- Modal Content (The Image) -->
 <div id="imagearea" class="imagearea">
 <img class="modal-content" id="img01">


Javascript: (logic attempted for drawing the bounding box over the image)


function initDraw(imgarea) {
    var mouse = {
        x: 0,
        y: 0,
        startX: 0,
        startY: 0
    function setMousePosition(e) {
        var ev = e || window.event; //Moz || IE
        if (ev.pageX) { //Moz
            mouse.x = ev.pageX + window.pageXOffset;
            mouse.y = ev.pageY + window.pageYOffset;
        } else if (ev.clientX) { //IE
            mouse.x = ev.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
            mouse.y = ev.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;

    var element = null;
    imgarea.onmousemove = function (e) {
        if (element !== null) {
   = Math.abs(mouse.x - mouse.startX) + 'px';
   = Math.abs(mouse.y - mouse.startY) + 'px';
   = (mouse.x - mouse.startX < 0) ? mouse.x + 'px' : mouse.startX + 'px';
   = (mouse.y - mouse.startY < 0) ? mouse.y + 'px' : mouse.startY + 'px';

    imagearea.onmouseup = function (e) {
        if (element !== null) {
            element = null;
   = "default";
        } }
        imagearea.onmousedown = function (e) {
            mouse.startX = mouse.x;
            mouse.startY = mouse.y;
            element = document.createElement('div');
            element.className = 'rectangle'
   = mouse.x + 'px';
   = mouse.y + 'px';
   = "crosshair";

CSS: (for styling the bounding box)

 .rectangle {
      border: 10px solid red;
      position: absolute;
  .imagearea {
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: column;
     float: left;
     width: 35%;
     max-width: 700px;
     position: relative;
     position: absolute;

The above code successfully displays the image in a modal, and when trying to draw the bounding box, the cursor changes to crosshair as intended. However, the issue I'm encountering is that the bounding box I draw over the image is not visible, even though the cursor changes. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

There are a couple of issues.

  1. You cannot add child elements to an <img> tag.

  2. Your calculations rely on the viewport, while the CSS for borders is in relation to the image itself. There are several ways to address this, with one quick solution being to subtract the image's position from the mouse position, like so:

function adjustMousePosition(e) {
    // your mouse calculations

    const limits = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();

    mouse.x -= limits.left;
    mouse.y -=;

Additionally, remember to call adjustMousePosition() within your mousedown event handler.

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