Aligning a Material UI button to the far right of a row

I am struggling to align a React material-ui button to the right-most of the page and despite trying to use the justify="flex-end" attribute within the following code, it doesn't seem to be working:

<Grid item justify="flex-end">
        onClick={() => myFunction()}

I attempted using justify="flex-end", however, the alignment issue persists.

Answer №1

This solution has been successful for me.

<Box display="flex" justifyContent="flex-end">
    onClick={() => myFunction()}

If you prefer to utilize Grid, consider using inline styles in this manner.

 <Grid item style={{display:"flex"}} justify="flex-end">
            onClick={() => myFunction()}

Answer №2

In my opinion, the justify= attribute should be placed on the container rather than on the item, as shown below:

<Grid container justify="flex-end">
  <Grid item>
      onClick={() => myFunction()}

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