Simple method to incorporate a CSS border, shadow effect, and rounded edges to enhance my content

My website, , is running smoothly.

I have noticed that on larger monitors, the animation on the sides of the pages could be enhanced if my main content had a red/black border with rounded corners and possibly a drop shadow.

I am searching for the simplest way to add these features with minimal code. Ideally, I would like to achieve this using only CSS for most browsers, resorting to a jQuery/JS plugin for IE if necessary. However, omitting it from IE completely is not ideal!


I managed to apply the styling to my header but faced issues when trying to do the same for the overall wrapper <div>. It seems like I may need to specify the width and height properties in my CSS first.

Thank you!


I discovered that the easiest way to add borders was by using the following CSS3 selectors:

border-top-left-radius: 50px;
border-top-right-radius: 50px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 50px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 50px;

And they worked perfectly!

Answer №1

CSS3 is a versatile tool that can fulfill all your styling needs, with the majority of web browsers offering support for it except for IE8. (However, upcoming versions of Internet Explorer are expected to include these features.)

For further details, check out

Answer №2


I recently discovered a new tool called and I must say, it's been incredible!

You should definitely check out this website:

CSS3 PIE is designed to make Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of displaying various CSS3 decoration features.

This tool is user-friendly and allows you to implement CSS3 features such as border-radius, shadow effects, gradient backgrounds, and more... and the best part is that it works on IE!

I hope you find this information useful!

Answer №3

The jquery corner plugin is a top choice for creating rounded corners, while the Dropshadow plugin is excellent for adding drop shadow effects. With just two lines of code (excluding the plugin code), you can achieve impressive results!

Answer №4

Discover the amazing rounded corners and dropshadow effects at

For more stunning CSS designs, visit . These designs are 100% CSS based with no JavaScript needed, and they work perfectly in Internet Explorer.

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