At what point does a box create an inline formatting context?

According to my research, I came across a situation where a block formatting context is generated as explained in MDN:Block formatting context.

I am curious about the scenarios that lead to the establishment of an inline formatting context within a box.

One example I can think of is when a block container box exclusively contains inline-level boxes.

Answer №1

In response to your inquiry, I revisited Section 9.2.1 of the CSS 2.1 specification.

Upon reviewing this section, it is evident that the inline formatting context is activated when a block container box exclusively contains inline elements.

Unlike a block formatting context which can be deliberately triggered (for instance, by setting overflow: hidden on a block-level element), an inline formatting context does not have a method for explicit initiation.

Inline formatting contexts seem to always exist within descendant block boxes inside a "principal block-level box", with these descendant block boxes possibly being anonymous.

I propose the following analogy as a way to comprehend block/inline formatting contexts.

A block-level element (such as a <div>) serves two main purposes: positioning and content formatting.

Regarding positioning, a block-level element functions as a "block-level box".

For content formatting, a block-level element acts as a "block container box".

As a "block-level box", the block-element behaves based on the type of positioning (static, absolute, relative, fixed) indicated by the position property.

Functioning as a "block container box", the block-element establishes a block-formatting context if it has at least one child block-level element. If all child elements are inline-level boxes, then an inline-formatting context emerges.

If the "block container box" includes text and block elements, the text is viewed as being enclosed in one or more anonymous block-level boxes, creating a block-formatting context.

The CSS specification can be quite dense. Despite multiple readings of Chapters 9 and 10, translating them into plain English remains a challenge.

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